Welcome to 7th grade!
2024-2025 7th grade Assistant Principal 2024-2025 7th grade Guidance Counselor
Ms. Kayla DiMuro Mr. Daniel Flaxman
kdimuro@schools.nyc.gov DFlaxman@schools.nyc.gov
718-961-3480 x2030 718-961-3480 x 1090
High School Readiness
7th Grade is a very important year. It is the year that High Schools tend to mostly focus on. Therefore, it is important to make sure everyone does their best in every class. However, aside from the grades, student`s attendance and behavior is very important, too. Now would be a good time to check your records and make sure everything appears correctly and that there are no mistakes with your grades and attendance.
High School Information: In 7th grade students should begin exploring the different High Schools they might be interested in. On the NYC Department of Education website you can learn more about High Schools, Specialized High Schools and how to prepare for the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test. You can even find a High School Directory and instructions on how to apply for High School. Learn more about high school applications and the admissions process through the NYC DOE's application tips website.