We are excited to introduce GAMA (Grading, Attendance, and Messaging Application) as a way to stay connected with our families.
Grades, Attendance, and Messaging Family Guide
The DOE Grades application is an electronic gradebook for teachers.
Teachers can create and grade assignments while maintaining all data fully secure and within the DOE.
Teachers can import assignments from our school’s Learning Management System, [iLearn/Google Classroom], meaning that teachers will not have to do duplicate data entry.
Students will be able to see assignments and assignment-level grades from the DOE Grades application in TeachHub in the fall.
Parents will be able to see assignments and assignment-level grades in the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal in the fall.
DOE Attendance is an electronic attendance tool.
Families already have access to their child’s attendance in NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) Portal.
Teachers and school administrators will be able to quickly and securely update student attendance throughout the day.
The DOE Grades, Attendance, and Messaging Applications
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