· Students will receive locks and lockers during the first two weeks of school
· The school will provide a lock to use on their academic locker – STUDENTS CAN NOT USE
· Students must buy a lock to use on their gym locker only
· Over the summer students should practice opening a combination lock using the
instructions provided.
· Watch this YouTube video demonstration on how to open a lock
· If the lock is lost or not returned at the end of the school year, there will be a $5 replacement
After School Program Offerings
The Greater Ridgewood Youth Council offers a FREE after school program daily from 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm for students on the I.S. 25 campus. Structured like clubs, the program offers the students a choice in how they spend their time and provides rigorous instruction in Creative Arts and Recreation. Students can choose from a variety of team sports, Healthy Living, Leadership Development/Builders Club, STEM, Chess Club and more. The students are provided with free and healthy snacks daily. Additionally, special events are planned throughout the school year.
To register, you need the following:
An application (applications are available in English or Spanish)
Health form
Feel free to contact Ms. Dina DePaloa at dinaGRYC@gmail.com with any additional questions.
2024-2025 New York State Exam Dates
English Language Arts Exam:
Mathematics Exam:
Science Exam (grade 8 only):
Regents Exams:
U.S. History and Government: (Grade 8 SP classes only):
Living Environment: (Grade 8 SP classes only):
Algebra I: (All 8th Grade Students):
Honor Roll
Principal’s List: 95 - 100%
First Honors: 90 - 94.9%
Second Honors: 85 - 89.9%
*In order to receive honors, students cannot receive a mark lower than 80% in any major subject
SP - Honors (in effect Fall 2023)
20% Teacher Recommendation
60% Report Card Grades (students must have a minimum of an 85 in all subjects)
10% ELA State Assessment (minimum 3.5)
10% Math State Assessment (minimum 3.5)
*Students must maintain an 85 and above in all subjects throughout all four marking periods.
*If a student gets below an 85 in any subject, they will be placed on probation and a parent meeting will be held where possible removal from the program will be discussed.
*In addition, placement in an SP class will be re-evaluated at the end of each school year using the above criteria.
What's for Lunch?
MTA Bus Time App