Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
Parents are automatically PTA members. Learn what is going on at school, exchange ideas, solve problems, make budget decisions, and direct your school’s future.
The objectives of the Association are to provide support and resources to the school for the benefit and educational growth of the children; to develop a cooperative working relationship between the parents and staff of our school; to develop parent leadership and build capacity for greater involvement; to foster and encourage parent participation on all levels; and to provide opportunities and training for parents.
After School Program
The Greater Ridgewood Youth Council offers a FREE after school program daily from 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm for students on the I.S. 25 campus. Structured like clubs, the program offers the students a choice in how they spend their time and provides rigorous instruction in Creative Arts and Recreation. Students can choose from a variety of team sports, Healthy Living, Leadership Development/Builders Club, STEM, Chess Club and more. The students are provided with free and healthy snacks daily. Additionally, special events are planned throughout the school year.
To register, you need the following:
An application (applications are available in English or Spanish)
Health form
Feel free to contact Ms. Dina DePaloa at dinaGRYC@gmail.com with any additional questions.
Share Student Privacy Annual Notices to Families
The DOE takes the confidentiality of information about students very seriously. There are several federal and state laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and New York State Education Law 2-d, and local regulations, such as Chancellor’s Regulation A-820, that protect students’ “personally identifiable information” (PII). These laws also place responsibilities on the DOE and outside parties that are given access to children’s PII, including the requirement for the DOE and schools to provide families with the following annual notices:
Annual FERPA Notification (scroll to the bottom of the page for parent letter and translations); and
You may distribute these notices in various ways, including as part of your school’s handbook, backpacking them home, posting them on school bulletin boards, and/or displaying them on your school’s website.
For more information, review the Student Data Privacy and Security Policies, the Data Privacy and Security Compliance Process, and last year’s Student Privacy Training in WeLearn. Additionally, please note these policy highlights:
You and your staff must not disclose student information to union representatives. Union representatives are not considered school officials and generally cannot be copied on emails that contain student information without parents’ or eligible students’ consent. For more information, refer to the Disclosure to Outside Parties section of the Student Data Privacy and Security Policies InfoHub page.
You must redact incident (OORS) reports before sharing them with a family so that PII for other students, including names, contact information, parents’ names, grade levels, etc., are not disclosed to the family receiving the report.
Student helpers and family/community volunteers must not receive or have access to student information, such as students’ names, attendance, or contact information, as part of their responsibilities.
Grade Pages
SLT Meetings
Tuesday, February 25th
Tuesday, March 18th
Tuesday, April 22nd
Tuesday, May 20th
Tuesday, June 17th
Honor Roll
Principal’s List: 95 - 100%
First Honors: 90 - 94.9%
Second Honors: 85 - 89.9%
*In order to receive honors, students cannot receive a mark lower than 80% in any major subject
SP - Honors​​ (in effect Fall 2023)
20% Teacher Recommendation
60% Report Card Grades (students must have a minimum of an 85 in all subjects)
10% ELA State Assessment (minimum 3.5)
10% Math State Assessment (minimum 3.5)
*Students must maintain an 85 and above in all subjects throughout all four marking periods.
*If a student gets below an 85 in any subject, they will be placed on probation and a parent meeting will be held where possible removal from the program will be discussed.
*In addition, placement in an SP class will be re-evaluated at the end of each school year using the above criteria.
How Can You Help?
Support our school events and fundraisers. There are lots of events planned by the school, student government, and the PTA throughout the year.
Attend Meet the Teacher Night, Parent Teacher Conferences, school wide events (e.g. Family Science Night, Fall and Spring concerts, class trips) and monthly PTA meetings.
MTA Bus Time App